Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Contest!

For my blog post today, in correlation with my email mailing on Wednesdays, I am creating a contest to give You, admirer of my art, an opportunity to win a 30% reduction of a single artwork purchased between now and December 31st, 2007. Read on art lover.

Look at the artwork below, read the question and email me the answer through the link below. You have until Thursday, August 16th at midnight to respond with the correct answer. The first correct response wins the 30% reduction certificate. To find out if you won, go to my blog ( on Friday, August 17th.

And The Artwork Please . . .

Enthroned Wedding Cake, Oil on Panel, 12" x 16", ©2007 Jennie Traill Schaeffer

And the Question is. . .
  • What is the significance of the gold shapes in the background flanking the wedding cake?
Email your answer here.

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