Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jersey Arts!

Despite all of the drama, debate and shutdowns being announced in NJ recently, the NJ State Council on the Arts and its marketing arm, Jersey Arts are still in existence. (Keep your fingers crossed and write to your Senators / Assembly persons - go to ArtPrideNJ.)

I've recently benefited by Jersey Arts. One of the pages on their site is an Artist Gallery devoted to featuring a selected NJ Artist for a month that coincides with an exhibition or event they are having in NJ. I applied and was accepted. Go to the Jersey Arts home page to see my work - online through April 30th.

In addition to the art gallery, this newly redesigned web site features the following:
  • Event Calendar
  • Event Picks
  • Poetry Page
  • Arts Directory
  • Online Store
  • And more . . .
It's a user friendly attractive site that does an excellent job of promoting the arts in NJ. I'm so pleased to be included in this expansive site. The site is promoted to about 15,000 subscribers and my month coincides with the launch of their redesigned site. So -- this means lots of press!

As an emerging artist, timing is everything so thank you to Jersey Arts and Jim Atkinson and Kelly Huschke (no longer with Jersey Arts) who bent over backwards to include me and make certain everything was accurate.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see art flourishing more in New Jersey. Used to live there by Highland Park.

Unknown said...

Yes it is. I'm familiar with Highland Park; husband and sister attended Rutgers. Thanks for the comment. How did you find my blog?
