Friday, September 7, 2007

2008 TraillWorks Calendar

Calendar Cover

I really have been super busy this week and have not gotten to blogging or painting as I should be. Instead I've been preparing for the Peters Valley Craft Fair to be held next weekend in Augusta, NJ. I've had some framing and matting to do as well as create some new promotional materials, which always takes longer than I intend. On top of all of that this emerging artist is finding time to train for a half marathon, paint our dining room, and adopt a puppy! Am I hindering my career or balancing my life? I think the latter.

And, now that we're in September it was time for me to design and publish my 2008 calendar; also entailing new promotional materials. It's been a marketing extravaganza. Everything's just about ready to go to print and I will be sending out information about the calendars next week.

Just to wet your appetite -- the calendar is a 12-month overview of paintings I've completed in 2007. When fully open it's 8.5" x 11" -- great for a small space or even a large purse. Last year was the first time I published a calendar and it was very successful.

The calendar has been upgraded from last year in these ways:
  • inclusion of the high Jewish holidays
  • shrink wrapped with a cardboard insert by the printer to protect from damage and easier gift-giving
  • custom option for Businesses
Visit Emerging Artist next week to purchase.

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