The Foliate Oak Online is a literary magazine out of The University of Arkansas-Monticello that found my work on a blog listing of artists and asked if I was interested in submitting work. I thought, why not? The publication is edited and laid out by ten English majors/minors at the university who have full control over what is and isn't included. Most of the contributors are published writers, poets and working artists.
This happened almost a week after I submitted my blog to many blog listing sites. It's amazing how much more traffic a blog gets after you make very simple efforts to promote it. I have to thank Andrea Lyn Van Benschoten who gave a workshop for BOAS (Business of Art Sussex) on various ways to optimize and promote your web site / blog.
Thanks to the staff of Foliate Oak and Bonnie Crump who contacted me!
Visit to view that publication and my work.
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